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We had a great Community Meeting on October 22nd. Chief Jay Goss and Deputy Chief Carlos Echevarria gave a presentation on a new program they’d like to get started, a Community Patrol, or Community Policing Program. The program is still in the planning stages, but tribal police really need your input to make sure the program is a “Tulalip” program and that it reflects who we are as a people. Watch the See-Yaht-Sub for more information about the program, or call the Tulalip Police Department 360-716-4608.
The Community Meetings have become a great way to not only give our members information, but to get feedback from you as well. During every Community Meeting we have about 30 minutes to an hour where the Tulalip community can ask questions, air concerns or give us ideas about what they’d like to see in our programs.
The meeting with tribal police was the last meeting for 2009. The fourth Thursday in November and December are both during holidays, so we’re going to take a little break, but we’ll be back. Starting on January 28th, 2010, our Community Meetings will resume. The year will start with a presentation from our Enrollment Department.
We’ve got some thoughts about which departments or programs we’d like to present next year, but we want your ideas too! What programs do you want to know about? What programs do you have concerns about? How do we make the Community Meetings more user friendly? Let us know what’s on your mind.
You can leave comments on the blog, or you can call our concern line, 360-716-4006. Thank you!
Shelly L. Lacy
Jade Parks, our Shelter Plus Case Manager, is coordinating a Christmas program for foster children. There are around 150 tribal children in foster care and we want to make sure they enjoy the holidays, that they have a fun Christmas and that they know that even though they’re not at home with their families, their bigger family, the tribe is still here loving them and taking care of them.
So far, Jade has sponsors for 30 children. That leaves 120 who still need your help. If you can, please sponsor a foster child this Christmas. Jade has wish lists for all of the children and if you don’t have time for the extra shopping, donations of money will pay for the items on the kids’ wish lists. For more information please call Jade 360-716-4059.
And to our families who provide foster care, I want you to know that what you’re doing is very important. It’s not always easy, but you’re making a difference for our children. You’re giving them love and care at a time when they can’t, for whatever reason, be with their families. Thank you for all you do for our children!
If you’re interested in becoming a foster parent contact beda?chelh, 360-716-3284, for more information.
Shelly L. Lacy