The Public Affairs department is organizing their final door knocking efforts encouraging people to vote and reminding them that ballots are due next Tuesday, November 4. They will be out in the community door knocking tonight at 5:30pm and Saturday from 1pm-5pm. Door knocking is a great outreach effort to get voters to turn in their ballots (and a good way to get some exercise!).
The Public Affairs department needs your help. Their goal is to reach 200 doors to remind people to turn in their ballot. They will also drop off their flier for the November 4th Ballot Party at the Tribal Gym from 12pm-5pm on November 4th.
Door knockers will meet at the Quil Ceda Village Administration Building for both door knocking attempts. Thursday they will meet at 5pm and Saturday they will meet at 12:30pm.
Mytyl Hernandez can provide maps and a script for anyone interested in helping. Please email Mytyl or call Theresa Sheldon at (425) 508-6556 to volunteer.