Our new traffic light at 64th and Marine Drive is working! Please be careful as you travel along Marine Drive, it will be a little dangerous as people get used to the new signal. But I have to say I’m excited, it’s just another sign of progress as we get closer to our move into the new Administration Building. The traffic signal includes a pedestrian crosswalk and the new road will feature sidewalks all the way up to the new Administration Building.
The Construction and Leasing Department is still working with Reece Excavating to repave roads in the Hermosa Beach area. Hermosa residents, I want to let you know that the Utilities Department is shutting off water to the area at 10:00am on Tuesday, September 8th. The water will be off for a minimum of four ours due to the construction. I know it’s been frustrating for a lot of the residents and I want to apologize. Because of water pipe breaks during the construction process, a lot of people have unexpected lost water pressure or completely lost water service. Again I know it is very inconvenient to do without water, and I want to thank you all for your patience. I can’t wait to see the new roads when they’re finished.
It seems like every year our reservation looks different. The rapid pace of construction is one of the reasons why documents like the Comprehensive Plan and Vision Plan are so important. We recently had a Community Meeting about the vision plan, unfortunately there was a very small turnout. If you missed the meeting, you can watch it again on KANU TV, Tulalip 99 the week of September 14th. Just as a quick reminder, the Community Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of every month. Our next meeting will be with our beda?chelh staff. Hope to see you there!
Shelly L. Lacy