Tulalip Matters is a weekly news program produced by the Tulalip Tribes Communications Department.
Tulalip Matters is your destination for information about what is happening on and around the Tulalip Reservation. Feature stories, Lushootseed language lessons, news updates, messages from the Tribes’ General Managers and Board of Directors, and a lot more can be found in each edition of Tulalip Matters.
If you have a suggestion for topics or issues you would like to see covered in a future episode of Tulalip Matters, contact the Tulalip Tribes Communications Department at 360-716-4202 or email editor@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov.
Tulalip Matters is replacing the GM Report in the KANU TV schedule. Many of your favorite segments of the GM Report like “Upcoming Events” and “News From Around The Rez” will still be included in each episode of Tulalip Matters.
You can watch Tulalip Matters each week on KANU TV channel 99 and online at www.kanutv.com.
If you would like to watch previous episodes of the GM Report, you can find them here.