Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Future of Tulalip

Just a reminder, the Community Meeting on the Vision Plan is tonight. This is to get final community comment, before it is brought to the Board for approval. I am hoping that you will join us to comment on this very important document for our future and our children’s future. The Vision Plan is the document that plans for development in the future, it shows how the reservation will grow and change as our population increases and how we’ll put our limited land base to the best use.

Special Projects Manager Patti Gobin will introduce the plan, then, Rich Franko from Mithun will give a PowerPoint presentation of the plan. After the presentation, tribal members will have a chance to make comments and bring up their concerns about the plan. Once again, this is the last chance for comment before we present this plan to the Board of Directors. I hope you’ll join us tonight to learn and to help shape the future of the reservation!

Dinner will be served at 5:00pm and the meeting begins at 5:30pm. For more information contact my office 360-716-4369.


Shelly L. Lacy