Wow, time flies. We have seven working days left before the move to our new Administration Building. Our departments are currently packing their offices. I want to apologize in advance, some services might be unavailable while we move. We’ll do our best and the main reception desk will still be open, but many of the offices that are moving will be closed the 10th and 11th.
I can’t wait to see you all in the new building! Again, I know there will be hiccups and we’ll have some growing pains, but this building will really change the way we deliver services. It will bring our departments together, improve communication and make it easier for tribal members to fill out applications, learn about programs and get the help they need.
We live in exciting times. I can’t believe how much tribal government has changed in the short time I’ve worked here. And I can’t wait to see what the next few years bring. Once again, thanks for your patience while we move, and see you September 14th at the Administration Building!
Shelly L. Lacy